The First ESA European Sepsis Report

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Today, at its annual meeting, the ESA is launching a report collecting best practices in the fight against sepsis across Europe.

Announcing the report, Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis, ESA Chair, said: “We hope that this report will demonstrate what practical and cost-effective measures can be undertaken by European countries, regions, and hospitals. We want to inspire other countries to take action and we call on the European institutions to allocate more resources to sepsis research, education, and awareness, and facilitate the exchange of best practices.”

As illustrated in the report, some European countries have put in place national action plans to improve awareness and management of sepsis, in line with the 70.7 WHA resolution from 2017 which asks UN member states to integrate sepsis in their national health systems. Others have started developing guidelines or processes to improve the quality of care for sepsis. In others, patient groups are taking the lead in engaging with policymakers and stakeholders to start a national dialogue and trigger action.

The report includes initiatives from Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Consult it, and please share it within your network. We want as many people as possible to know about sepsis, its burden, prevention, and mitigation solutions. If your country or region’s initiatives are not displayed in this report, please contact us, we will be happy to include them and enhance the sharing of experiences.

Simone Mancini