World Sepsis Congress Spotlight, 9 September - A Free Online Congress by WHO and GSA

Jamila Hedjal lost her son Farès to sepsis in 2018, which led her to form the France Sepsis Association.

In just one week, on 9 September, the WHO and the GSA will host the “World Sepsis Congress Spotlight: Sepsis, Pandemics, and Antimicrobial Resistance – Global Health Threats of the 21st Century”. This free online congress is a great opportunity to connect to and learn from over 30 high level speakers and leading experts from around the globe.

The European Sepsis Alliance is excited to support the event and invites you to attend. Participation is free of charge and can be done from wherever you have an internet connection. To register and to find out more about the program, speakers, time zones, and much more, please visit

Simone Mancini